Versions Compared


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Comment: Updated to current version (hosted on OMP site)

The Zowe Conformance Test Evaluation Guide is a set of self-certify and self-service tests to help the developer community integrate and extend specific technology into the Zowe framework. 

Below are the requirements for the available conformance programs. Items marked (required) are required for achieving conformance in a given program.


Zowe API Mediation layer - 2019


  1. An application provides at least one service or UI (required)


  1. A service must be registered using one of the following methods: (required)

Dynamic registration - preferred (best practice)

Static definition - minimum requirement

  1. The service must provide a default service ID that is prefixed by the provider name (for example: `acme`, `xyzcorp`, `bar`). (required)
  2. The service ID must be configurable externally after deployment. (required)
  3. The service ID must written in lower case, contain no symbols, and is limited to 64 characters. (required)
  4. The API ID must follow the same rules as for Java packages. The example of the API ID: zowe.apiml.apicatalog. (required)
  5. The published service URL must follow the gateway URL conventions. (required)
  6. For versioned APIs, service URLs must contain a service version before the service ID in the following formats:
           - api/v1/{serviceId} reserved for REST APIs
             - ui/v1/{serviceId} reserved for UIs
             - ws/v1/{serviceId} reserved for WebSockets
    For non-versioned APIs or APIs versioned differently (e.g. z/OSMF), use the following formats: 
             - api/{serviceId} reserved for REST APIs
             - ui/{serviceId} reserved for UIs
             - ws/{serviceId} reserved for WebSockets



  1. Documentation is Swagger/Open API 2.0 compliant. (required)
  2. Every public resource is documented with a description of each resource. (required)
  3. Every method of each REST endpoint is documented. (required)
  4. Every method of each REST endpoint is demonstrated by an example. (required)
  5. Every parameter (headers, query parameters, payload, cookies, etc.) is documented with definitions of all possible values and their associated meanings. (required)
  6. Every error code, including errors returned in the payload is documented. (required)


  1. Encoded slash is not used. (required)
  2. The service interprets values independent of their URL encoding. (required)
  3. lowerCamelCase is used for names of resources, parameters, and JSON properties.


  1. API - Request and response payloads are in JSON or binary data format.
  2. API - In JSON format, links are relative, and must not contain the schema, hostname, and port. (required)
  3. WebSocket - Service URIs contained in WebSocket messages payload are addressed through the API ML Gateway. (required)
  4. UI - UI uses relative links and does not contain the schema, hostname, and port. (required)


  1. Resources are protected by mainframe credentials. (required)
  2. Services accept basic authentication (minimum requirement). (required)
  3. Services accept Zowe JWT token in the cookie.


  1. Service implementation follows the semantic versioning model.
  2. Last two major versions are supported by API services. (required)


  1. UI uses only relative URLs. (required)


  1. WebSocket connection creation, all subsequent communication between WebSocket client, and server is routed through the API ML Gateway. (required)
  2. WebSocket connections are closed by the initiator through API ML Gateway. (required)


Zowe CLI - 2019


  1. Plug-in is constructed on the Imperative CLI Framework. (required)
  2. Plug-in is NOT run as a standalone CLI. (required)
  3. Plug-in commands write to stdout or stderr via Imperative Framework response.console APIs. (required)


  1. Plug-in is installable with the zowe plugins install command. (required)
  2. Plug-in is installable into the @lts-incremental version of the core Zowe CLI and follows semantic versioning. (required)
  3. Plug-in is uninstallable via the zowe plugins uninstall command. (required)


  1. If the plug-in introduces a command group name, it does not conflict with existing conformant plug-in group names. (required)


  1. If the plug-in has unique connection details, it introduces a profile that lets users store these details for repeated use. (required)
  2. Plug-in users are able to override all profile settings via the command line and/or environment variables.

Zowe App Framework – 2019


  1. Every plugin must have a unique ID. The ID format follows java package naming conventions. The Zowe project reserves org.zowe. (required)
  2. Every plugin and each of its services must have a version. (required)
  3. Directory layout adheres to the ZLUX App filesystem structure. (required)
  4. Source code layout is recommended adheres to the ZLUX App filesystem structure for tooling consistency.


  1. All Apps must contain an icon image file to represent it, located at web/assets/icon.png within the App's package. (required)


  1. IFrame Apps (apps with framework type "iframe") which embed a top-level iframe within (example: must use the ID "zluxIframe" for that element. This is required for the app to be a recipient of app to app communication. (required)


  1. DOM elements originating from your App should always be a child of the Zowe viewport DOM element, "com-rs-mvd-viewport". (required)
  2. Network requests to the Zowe App Server must never be done without the use of the URI Broker. (required)
  3. Access to resources outside the App Server should also be made through the URI Broker whenever possible.
  4. Apps must not pollute the global namespace with regards Javascript, HTML, and CSS. (required)
  5. When using a library present in the Zowe App Framework core, you must depend on the same version. (required)
  6. Web apps should extend the framework's default build scripts for webpack and typescript.


  1. Apps should follow the UI Design guidelines at


  1. The active language to be used for string selection must be retrieved using ZoweZLUX.globalization.getLanguage(), which determines language by multiple factors. (required)
  2. No strings visible in a UI should be hard-coded, rather resource strings must be used in accordance with one of the existing internationalization support mechanisms.


  1. Data services should be written such that all synchronous and asynchronous errors are caught. Utilize try-catch and check the existence of error objects from asynchronous calls. Uncaught exceptions effect server responsiveness and disrupt clients. (required)


  1. Every HTTP API must be documented in swagger 2.0. The swagger document must be stored in doc/swagger. (required)
  2. In addition, it is recommended to have documentation about the format of any Websocket APIs, to be placed within doc.


  1. An Apps non-IFrame web components, or App Framework dataservices (eg Javascript and Typescript) must log only through the "zlux" logger. (required)
  2. ZSS services log only through the Zowe ZSS Logger. (required)
  3. Passwords must never be logged. (required)
  4. Error reporting should follow the standard tooling.


Complete this form for each Participant (e.g., company or other entity) that desires to participate in the Zowe Conformance Program and to use the Conformance Marks. The Project Word Mark and the Conformance Marks are trademarks of The Linux Foundation. Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the same meanings set forth in the Program Terms.

By signing below and submitting this form to The Linux Foundation:

  1. The Participant agrees to the Terms and Conditions of the Zowe Conformance Program (the “Program Terms”), available at
  2. The Participant confirms that the products and services identified below as Qualifying Offerings either (a) have passed all of the tests that are marked required below, as described in the Test Evaluation Guide at, and are Qualifying Offerings under the Program Terms; or (b) prior to usage of the Conformance Marks, will pass all of the tests described in the Test Evaluation Guide, and will be Qualifying Offerings under the Program Terms.
  3. The Participant confirms that it has submitted, or will submit, to The Linux Foundation the results of the tests prior to its first public use of the Conformance Marks associated with the corresponding version of the Zowe Conformance Program.
  4. The Participant confirms that it will either (a) maintain conformance of the Qualifying Offerings with the Test Evaluation Guide, or (b) cease use of the Conformance Marks if the products or services cease to be Qualifying Offerings.
  5. The Participant confirms that it will promptly submit an updated Participant Form to The Linux Foundation prior to using the Conformance Marks with Qualifying Offerings not listed here.
  6. I confirm that I am authorized to make the above statements and to submit this form on behalf of the Participant.

Participant Information

Company / Entity name:         ___________________________________________________

Contact address:                     ___________________________________________________



Contact telephone:                  ___________________________________________________

Contact email:                        ___________________________________________________

Select one:                              [ ]        Participant is a member of Open Mainframe Project

[ ]        Participant is NOT a member of the Open Mainframe Project. Please contact Open Mainframe Project at to discuss fees for participation in the conformance program.

Qualifying Offerings

Name, brief description and URLs for more information: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Conformance Details

Initial Version and Components of Zowe Conformance Program tests for Conformance. Please verify and comment where needed that the participating offering has achieved the conformance criteria for each conformance type. A participating offering may submit for one or more of the Zowe Conformance types (API Mediation Layer, CLI, and/or App Framework) in a single application. For more details on the testing criteria, please refer to the Test Evaluation Guide.

[ ] Zowe API Mediation layer - 2019


Please list any items where your offering does not meet the criteria set forth in the Test Evaluation Guide:






[ ] Zowe CLI - 2019

Please list any items where your offering does not meet the criteria set forth in the Test Evaluation Guide:





[ ] Zowe App Framework - 2019

Please list any items where your offering does not meet the criteria set forth in the Test Evaluation Guide:





Conformance Submission Date: __________________

Signed on behalf of Participant by:


Name: ____________________________

Title: ____________________________

Date: ____________________________